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Please offer a masses and pray for Mother Vesna Ljubičić. She had brain cancer type 2 . She had two surgeries and after one year we found yesterday that little cancer that wasnt able to be removed is growning . Please pray that God heal her completely and Jesus bless all the procedures that she must go under again. That Jesus personally guide her give her strenght His Kingdom and rightousness and gives her completly health and that cancer is removed and that it never return again.In Jesus mighty name we pray .Thank You Jesus .We know that You have heard us and answered our prayers.
That God bless all the doctors and team that guide her and all their loved ones and that they find the best solution and treatment for my mum .
That God bless all those treatments that gives my mum best life and abundance to her and my dad.
That God unite us all with His strenght and love and gives strenght and that He bless health and lives of all of us.
In Jesus name we ask
Thank you and God bless you all abundantly

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