For all of Olivia Shaw’s spiritual and temporal desires, intentions, and needs, for the salvation of Olivia and her entire family line, past, present, and future, and for many special blessings and graces for Olivia and all the people she prays for, especially their salvation. May Oliva also be graced now and always with a double portion of The Holy Family’s Spirit and Saints Martin de Porres’, Therese of Lisieux’s, and Padre Pio’s Spirit, so that she may always be Jesus’ Light for others, and through Mother Mary, may Olivia Shaw always be in the present moment and always know and accomplish God’s Holy Will through her constant yes and fiat like Mother Mary. May she also be blessed now and always to be one of Saint Therese of Lisieux’s little souls, so that Olivia be among her little army of souls, and be graced with final perseverance, and be with St Therese, The Little Flower in heaven one day to continue her work from there too, so to keep bringing many other souls to heaven.
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